SUTAMS, celebrated “International Women’s day” in a grand way on 8th March 2021. The programme started with a flash mob by the members of the students union. The #Gynaecology and #Pathology department together Conducted a cervical screening camp and PAP smear examination. 52 patients attended the camp and the camp will be there for 1 week.
In the Afternoon, a #CME Programme was conducted and the speaker was Dr Lekshmi Ammal,vice president, TVM,OBGYN society.The topic was ” Women Makes Herself”.It was a real motivational talk to the women in general and the public at large.There was a quiz programme conducted by Mrs Shany Franklin and the winners veere given prizes.Principal,Dr K Salil Kumar presented a momento to Dr Lekshmi Ammal. 250 participants attended the #CME Programme. Every participants were given sweets and high tea.The meeting came to an end by 4pm.All lady staffs came in Pink dress code.