The committee members include freshers as well.
Senior students (Mentors) have been identified and their contact numbers provided.
A Counseling Cell has been set up, which includes active Participation of Department of psychiatry.
An anti-ragging squad which also includes senior faculty members has been formed and the members make evening/night rounds (every day by turn) in the campus including hostels, canteen and other sensitive areas.
Freshers have been addressed about the measures in place and not to fear in reporting any act of ragging or harassment at any place (inside or outside campus) by senior students.
Posters regarding prohibition of ragging are displayed at all sensitive areas in the campus detailing the strict Punishments as prescribed by UGC & MCI regulations and also the AntiRagging Helpline (Toll-Free number) & Website.
All the measures adopted, ensured no ragging incidents being reported. The Anti-ragging Committee is re-constituted with the following as Chairperson, Member coordinator and Members.