The Department of Microbiology is part of SUTAMS Laboratory services which offers various modalities for diagnosis of infectious diseases.
We have a dynamic group of microbiologists who strive to provide timely and accurate reports to aid in patient care. Along with the conventional diagnostic techniques, rapid tests and state of the art automated equipment with latest technologies have been incorporated into the laboratory services. Apart from diagnostics, academic and research work forms a major component of the departmental activities. Continual medical education in the form of workshops and conferences are held every year.
Microbiology as a subject imparts knowledge about various microorganisms as a causative factor for inducing a disease. Department of Microbiology functions in two division’s mainly Clinical microbiology and Academics. Clinical microbiology is a multidisciplinary unit comprising of Immunology, Parasitology, Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Mycobacteriology, Entomology and Serology. The department is well equipped with adequate academic resources, spacious lecture halls, museum and laboratory and departmental library.
The already well equipped lab is now in the process of inducting advanced systems such as BACTEC, BACTALERT, FLOWCYTOMETRY, PCR etc. In co-ordination with other departments, the microbiology Department is also involved in nation health programs such as RNTCP for tuberculosis, NLEP for leprosy and ICTC for HIV.