Sree Uthradom Thirunal Academy of Medical Sciences, Vattappara has conducted a one day Continuing Medical Education-Diabetic Conclave-2023 in connection with World Diabetic day on 14.11.2023 at the ACS auditorium, SUTAMS. 258 doctors including P.G’s and H.S’s attended the progamme which was inaugurated by the Principal Prof(Dr.)Leela Itty Amma at 9 am followed by presentation by 11 facuilties in different specialities and it role in Diabetics. A talk by an Ayurveda professor and a Nutritionist cum diabetic educator was well appreciated by the audience. The one day CME came to a conclusion at 4 pm. This CME programme was accredited by the Kerala State Medical Council. The participants were given certificate on the basis of the credit points given by Kerala State Medical Council. Lunch, mid-morning coffee, snacks and evening tea was served to the participants.
Report on Diabetic Conclave – 2023